Alston Town Hall

The Town Hall is a charity – “Alston Town Hall – Sole Trustee” It is run by the Parish Council.
Tyne Willows Playing Field
Tyne Willows Playing Field is owned by Alston Moor Parish Council, and leased in part to Samuel King’s School as a school playing field. Alston Fitness Club, under separate management, run a gym and exercise classes in Tyne Willows Pavilion. Recycling facilities managed by Eden District Council occupy a corner of the car park.
Tyne Willows is the site for a number of annual events. The Sheepdog Trials take place in the third week of June, Alston Gala the following week and the Alston Sheep Show the first week in September. It is also host to Alston Football Club. Look out for other occasional events such as drive-in movies.
The field is available for hire for sporting activities or events, subject to the conditions set by the Tyne Willows Management Committee. To apply to hire the field please see the documents below:
Access onto the field may be restricted in early June, when the car park fills with bowtops and caravans, and horses graze on the field en-route to the famous Appleby Fair.
Contact Local Links for up to date information on events.
Community Grants
Alston Moor Parish Council has a small amount of funding available to assist local organisations with new projects or enhanced services. Applications for £300 and under will be considered throughout the year, over £300 please apply by 30 November for the following financial year.
Alston Moor Parish Council makes an annual donation to our village halls, play areas and some community facilities and organisations in recognition of the maintenance and insurance demands made on them. The Council asks that in return, any organisation in receipt of funding provides a short report on their activities over the past year, gives an indication of what the Council funds have been spent on, and submits a copy of their latest annual accounts by 30 November, prior to the Council’s precept meeting which is generally held in January.
Fairhill Estate Charity
The Fairhill Estate Charity is open to residents from Alston Moor and is listed by the Charity Commission as a charity for the relief of poverty. Today, this means that any resident experiencing financial hardship is welcome to apply. Assistance can be given with costs such as funeral expenses, fuel bills, playgroup or under 11 school trip fees, telephone monitoring fees, one-off transport costs to cover exceptional circumstances, or other financial problems not covered here. It can also assist with educational requirements for people over 25. (Individuals of secondary school age and up to 25 should contact the Alston with Garrigill Educational Endowment at Samuel Kings School for further advice.) Grants are generally between £25 and £250. The charity cannot assist with ongoing payments, or any circumstance where another agency has a duty to provide.
To apply please download and complete the application form below. It is also available from the Parish Clerk’s office and Alston Local Links. The Fairhill Estate Trustees generally meet on the first Monday of the month, (second if the first is a bank holiday), and meetings are held in confidence following council meetings. Applicants should receive confirmation of the decision within two weeks of the meeting.
Charity, Land & Income
The Fairhill Estate Charity receives its income from shares held with COIF Charities Investment Fund and rental income from three parcels of land around Alston. Two of these plots are let on long-term tenancies, but the Parish Pastures are let on a six month tenancy by competitive tender. The term runs from May to October and tenders are invited in March for consideration at the April meeting.
Allocation of Income
At the financial year end the income from rents and shares has to be allocated between the Fairhill Estate Charity, the Alston with Garrigill Educational Endowment and the Garrigill Educational Endowment. Anyone interested in the history of this can download an extract from the register of charities describing what was happening at a time when education had to be paid for and teachers might or might not be paid for their work.
Memorial Benches
The parish council adopted a policy on memorial benches in October 2021. If you are considering this for your loved one please read the policy below: