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About us

What We Do

Alston Market Cross
Alston Market Cross

PARISH COUNCILS form the tier of local government closest to the communities they represent. They have surprisingly wide discretionary powers, but very small budgets available to exercise them. Unitary authorities such as ours (Westmorland and Furness) are the higher tier.


Many of our local residents will know that Chris Johnson retired as our Parish Clerk in September after 38 years doing a superb job for us.  Although we found a new clerk fairly quickly, she unfortunately resigned (for various reasons) after six months.  We thank her for her service.

The job of parish clerk is more complex than most people realise, requiring a wide range of knowledge and skills about the law, finance, administrative processes, policies and much else.  A parish council, as a local authority, cannot function without a parish clerk.  Knowing that finding a new permanent clerk would not be a quick and easy matter, we were grateful for being able to appoint, through a specialist agency, a locum (temporary) clerk.

We are relieved that we now have a permanent clerk, someone local – indeed, Claire Thomson has been the secretary/treasurer for our Town Hall work for some time.  Claire has worked very hard at completing all the initial training as a clerk, and we are very glad indeed to welcome her, and her determination, to the rôle

ALSTON MOOR PARISH COUNCIL covers the easternmost part of Cumbria, high in the North Pennines, bordering Northumberland and County Durham. Its eastern position, isolated from the main part of the unitary authority, is reflected in its inclusion in both the diocese of Newcastle, and the North Pennines Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.

We have 15 Councillors representing three wards: eight Alston Councillors, four from Nenthead and three from Garrigill. The Council is also the sole trustee of Alston Town Hall, and Councillors are trustees for the Fairhill Estate Charity.

Although some Parish Councils have politically-affiliated Councillors, this is unusual in our area and has never been the case on Alston Moor – our Councillors all sit as independents. They are elected in May every fourth year, for a four year term. Alston Moor Councillors do not usually claim expenses, although limited expenses can be legally permitted, for example if travel outside the Parish is required.

The Parish Council normally meets in Alston, Garrigill or Nenthead at 7pm/19:00 on the first Monday of the month, although bank holidays may upset this schedule, with the meeting usually happening a week later.

The agenda is posted on the website, on noticeboards and in the three post offices. The public is entitled, and very welcome, to attend meetings. There is always a slot on the agenda for local residents to address the Council briefly, to ask or answer any questions on any item on the agenda.

The Parish Council acts as a consultee and lobbying force with our unitary council, Westmorland & Furness Council (WAFC), putting forward the interests of the community.

We also take a lead in furthering local interests in all aspects of life on Alston Moor. In many less conspicuous ways, in exerting influence on all sorts of other bodies, the Parish Council acts as a spokesperson and torchbearer for the people of Alston Moor.

Westmorland & Furness Council is responsible for planning matters, although the Parish Council is consulted and given the opportunity to comment. The final decision is made by WAFC.The list of the Statutory Spending Powers of Parish Councils gives examples of things that Parish Councils can do, and reference to the legislation that provides the power to act (including spending money).

Parish Councils may be granted an extension to these powers, the ‘General Power of Competence’ status, which enables them to carry out any activities an individual may legally do.WAFC raises their income through Council Tax, business rates, fees and charges and Central Government. Parish Councils, however, receive no money from Central Government and receive no contribution from business rates. They are funded by levying a precept on local residents, collected with the Council Tax.

Alston Moor Parish Councillors

Councillors Declarations of Interest are posted on WAFC website

Ray Miller
Alston Ward
Chair Alston Moor Parish Council

Staffing Committee
Traffic Management - Alston representative
Alston Moor Research & Development Group representative
Alston Moor Emergency Response Group

Ron Robinson
Nenthead Ward

Staffing Committee
Tree Warden

Paul Best
Garrigill Ward

Alston Fitness Club
Tyne Willows Management Board

Alice Bondi
Alston Ward

Staffing Committee
Alston Moor Partnership representative

Brian Davies
Alston Ward

Staffing Committee
Alston Fitness Club
Tree Warden

Alan Green
Garrigill Ward

Elaine Edgar Alston Ward

Alston Moor Emergency Response Group

Elaine Grew
Garrigill Ward

NWAS Alston Moor Working Group
Alston Moor Traffic Management - Garrigill representative
Staffing Committee
Alston Moor Emergency Response Group

Michael Hanley
Alston Ward

Alston Area Planning Group
Alston Moor Community Transport

Alix Martin
Alston Ward

Staffing Committee
Alston Moor Emergency Response Group

Holly Ho
Alston Ward

Dee Monk
Alston Ward

Staffing Committee

Alastair Robertson
Nenthead Ward

Staffing Committee
Tyne Willows Management Board

Vacancy Nenthead Ward

Nenthead Ward

You can write to your Parish Councillor at the Council’s office address: Alston Moor Parish Council, Alston Town Hall, Front Street, Alston CA9 3RF

Parish Council Staff

Parish Clerk
Claire Thomson

Alston Moor Parish Council, Alston Town Hall,
Front Street, Alston CA9 3RF
You can get in touch here;
Tel: 01434 382076