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Author: Parish Clerk

January’s Council Meeting

Notes from the January meeting of Alston Moor Parish Council

The meeting was held on Monday 13 January, rather than the first Monday, 6 January, which was postponed owing to the difficult driving conditions in snow and ice.

A planning issue, concerning Flinty Fell Quarry, was taken at the beginning as two members of the public were present in relation to that item.  The council unanimously agreed to support the application, having had clarification on the original concerns.

The Chair, Councillor Miller,  gave his report, with thanks to those who had helped practically and financially with the Christmas lights and the big Christmas tree. He asked that all votes on agenda items should be recorded with the information of which councillors had voted for, against or abstained, as outlined in the Standing Orders.

Councillor Hanley reported from his rôle as a Westmorland and Furness councillor that W&F has been invited to become an area for devolution along with Cumberland, which would be a three-stage process.  More information will come soon.  He also reported on the Nature Recovery Strategy which will include a focus on red squirrels.

Councillors had received the police report, and hoped that there could be a representative at the next meeting.

Reports from groups

  • Councillor Robertson said there would be a Nenthead Ward meeting in the next fortnight, and information will come to the next parish council meeting.  
  • The Alston and Fellside Place Action Group will meet in February.  
  • Alston Moor Partnership had been successful in the funding application for a community co-ordinator, and advertising for the post has gone out.  
  • The Alston Moor Traffic Management Group will be arranging a meeting soon.  
  • NWAS Alston Moor Working Group reported that a rôle specifically for our community has been devised and these new recruits will join our two remaining EMTs.  All will work together with the Community First Responders.

Ongoing matters

  • Tenders for the initial Nenthead Fountain work were being reassessed.
  • A quotation has been received for repairs to the Garrigill benches, and other benches are awaiting further information.
  • Fairhill now has a defibrillator and it will be installed and registered, and the fire station one is already registered on the circuit.  There will be a defib map of the area.
  • The website is to be adjusted to provide separate sections for parish council and Westmorland and Furness reports.
  • VE Day guidance has been circulated but no councillors wanted to take up the options.  Warm Hub attendees might be interested.
  • The parish council’s solicitors are working with the Environmental Agency to establish a new lease for the gauging station on Tyne Willows.

Planning applications

  • The council voted to support an application for change of use from agricultural to equestrian with creation of an arena at Low Galligill
  • The council voted to uphold the original decision regarding the Horse and Wagon Caravan Park and object to the application for variation of condition 8 concerning planting.
  • Westmorland and Furness Council has decided to permit the removal of the holiday let restriction for Leadgate School House.


A draft budget will be discussed at the precept meeting on 20 January


  • Westmorland and Furness are intending to offer parish councils the choice of W&F taking on responsibility for all footway lighting, or individual parishes managing their own.
  • A price has been given for storage of the Christmas trees and lights at High Mill, and some of the Christmas tree brackets need replacing, and the same person who put the lights up on the market cross and town hall could do this work and a quotation will be sought.  The council agreed to the storage cost and obtaining a price for brackets work

A new taller post is to be requested for the footpath sign agreed.

Tree work for those causing problems and potential problems will be addressed urgently.

The Clerk reported that she had received a request that would take considerable time and cost to fulfil and is seeking legal advice as to how to proceed.

The precept meeting will be on Monday 20 January in the Town Hall Annexe, and the next Parish Council meeting will be on Monday 3 February, also in the Town Hall Annexe.

Bin Collections over the Christmas Period

If you live in the Eden, or South Lakeland areas and your usual collection day is:

  • Monday 23 December, your collection will be made on Saturday 21 December (blue refuse bags in Eden);
  • Tuesday 24 December, your collection will be made on Monday 23 December;
  • Wednesday 25 December, your collection will be made on Tuesday 24 December;
  • Thursday 26 December, your collection will be made on Friday 27 December;
  • Friday 27 December, your collection will be made on Saturday 28 December.

Collections on Monday 30 December and Tuesday 31 December will be on the normal day.

Three Bed House to Let


We have a vacancy coming up at Park View Lane next
month, it is a 3 bed family house and currently advertising
on Cumbria Choice. As you are aware we have a local
letting policy for the Alston Moor area as we look to house
families with local connections first. I was hoping that you
would be able to share this vacancy within the parish to
ensure we reach all households that may be in need.
If you need any further information, please come back to

Kate Murray Housing Officer
Eden Housing Association
Blain House, Bridge Lane, Penrith, Cumbria CA11
01768 861418

Digital Switchover

RSN facilitated an exclusive event for RSN Local Authorities and members of the Rural Services Partnership to hear from BT on the Digital Home Phone Switchover and what it means for their rural communities.  
It is important that Local Authorities and rural organisations can signpost their residents to trusted sources of information about the switchover and where to go for help.  The resources below will support you with this process.   
There is a video of the presentation given by Vicky Hicks, Head of Engagement at BT below which can be shared with your colleagues.  In addition, the slide pack is also available and has lots of relevant information.

Read More

Or you can download the presentation from here.

Latest Road Closure

Here is the latest road closure from Westmorland and Furness Council


Notice is hereby given that to enable Westmorland and Furness Highways to carry out urgent

highway repair works (“the Works”) Westmorland and Furness Council prohibits with immediate

effect the passage of vehicles along that section of the U3111 Nenthead, from its junction with

the U3112, extending in a southerly direction for a distance of approx 240 metres, as and when

the appropriate traffic signs are displayed.

More info can be found here

Temporary Prohibition of All Traffic – U3105 King’s Arms Lane, Alston – 13th January 2025

See full information here

Temporary Prohibition of All Traffic – C3039, Garrigill – 13th January 2025

See full information here

Parish Seats

There are many seats around the Parish for the weary walker to rest upon. Not all belong to The Council but we, in an attempt to understand where they are and the condition of them, have been photographing them. The results are here to see. If you see any not included here you are welcome to submit photographs of them to the Parish Clerk along with a description of its location.